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+20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

[+20 interesting facts to shake your mind]

20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

Hello friends, my name is Virender Sahu, today I am going to share with you 20 such 

interesting facts, knowing that your mind will be shaken. Believe it are such facts 

which do not seem to be heard that they will be true, but the truth is that this perfection 

is true. Our world is full of strange things


1. Cigarette lighter was discovered before matchbox.


20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

2. We have surely seen every single face in the dream once.


3. Right-handed people live 9 years longer than left-handed people.


4. Apple company founder Steve Jobs never had a number plate on his car.




5. Butterflies taste anything with their feet and not with their tongues.


6. It is impossible for an average person to lick his own elbow, you can try it by trying it. If you are lucky then you will be able to do so.


7. A man is born with 300 bones, but for 18 years, the bones of man are joined to 206.


8. Buttons of men's shirts are on the right side while women are on the left side.


9. Bats always turn to the left when exiting the cave.


20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

10. Women speak an average of 20,000 words every day, which is not 1000 to 2000 but 13000 words more than the average of men.


11. Make a circle with your right foot while sitting on the chair and with your right hand wright 6 in the air, the direction of your legs will change.

 also read



12. Ants never sleep during their lifetime.


20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

13. Hot water converts to ice faster than cold water. This is called the Mpemba effect.



14. You will never remember where your dream started.


15. The kings who are in the cards represent some or all the kings in history.


16. The weight of all ants on earth is equal to that of all humans. You must have laughed hearing this.


17. The cold drink coco-kola you drink was green in its beginning.


18. A human eats 70 different kinds of insects during his entire lifetime while sleeping. In this way we can say that no one on earth is completely vegetarian.


19. When a person lies, his nose becomes hot.


20. You will be surprised to know that due to the gravity of the earth, it is not possible for the mountains to be higher than 15,000 meters.

20 interesting facts to shake your mind|#graps.vs

So friends, these were 20 very interesting facts I hope you will like and you will get some knowledge.

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