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Best 35 amazing facts about human body || Amazing facts about human body

Best 35 amazing facts about human body || Amazing facts about human body

Amazing facts about the human body

Hello friends,


Today, I will tell you 35 amazing facts about the human body. I


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Let's start

1. A newborn baby can breathe and swallow at the same time for seven months.


2. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.


3. The nerve impulses sent from the brain move at a speed of 274 km / h.


4. A single human brain produces more electrical impulses in a day than all the telephones of the combined world.


5. The human heart pumps 182 million liters of blood over an average lifetime.


6. When you were reading this sentence, 50,000 cells of your body had died and new cells had replaced them.


7. The human fetus receives fingerprints within three months of conception.


8. Women's heart beats faster than men.


9. Right-handed people live an average of nine years longer than left-handed people.


10. Man forgets about 90% of the dreams seen by humans in his sleep.


11. The total length of all blood vessels in the human body is about 100,000 km.


12. A person's respiratory rate is one-third higher in spring than in autumn.


13. A man has a thirst when the lack of water in his body becomes equal to 1% of the body weight.


14. A deficiency of more than 5% of the water in the human body can cause unconsciousness, and more than 10% of the deficiency can lead to death from dehydration.


15. At least 700 enzymes remain active in the human body at all times.


16. A four-year-old child asks an average of 450 questions a day.


17. Teeth are the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.


18. On average, A healthy person falls asleep within seven minutes of closing his eyes.


19. According to the human body, only 1% of bacteria can make the human body sick.


20. By the end of a healthy person's life, an average of 150 trillion memories can be stored in his brain.


21. Right-handed people chew most of their food on the right side of the mouth while eating, while left-handed people do so on the left side.


22. Surprising to know you, the aroma of apples and bananas can help in reducing a person's body weight.


23. In his lifetime, a person accidentally swallows eight small spiders.


24. The total weight of bacteria in the human body is 2 kg.


25. 99% calcium of the human body is in teeth.


26. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than the tips of a person's fingers.


27. A kiss increases a person's pulse by 100 beats per minute or more.


28. The total strength of the muscles on one side of your jaw is equal to 195 kg.


29. If you hit your head on the wall, you can lose 150 calories per hour.


30. Man is the only creature that can draw straight lines.


31. Women take about two times less nap than men.


32. The composition of the human body contains only four minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite, and crystobalite


33. Males are officially classified as dwarves if their height is less than 1.3 m, while for females the measurement is 1.2 m.

 34. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.


35. There are 100,000 chemical reactions in the human brain every second.


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