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amazing +20 Facts About Honey Bee

amazing +20 Facts About Honey Bee

Amazing +20 Facts About Honey Bee

HoneyBee Bee never sleeps in her life. It is so hard working don't ask! Poor one drop flies far and wide for honey. Nowadays even then it has reduced but earlier the honeycomb of bees was found hanging on the walls, on the walls. At that time there will be some questions in your mind, let us introduce you to every information related to Honey Bee through interesting facts today…

1. Bees flap their wings 200 times in a second.

2. The color of honey depends on the flower from which the fly takes juice.

3. The power of sniffing bees is more than that of humans.

4. Bees can fly at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour.

5. The bee has five eyes, two big eyes and between them there are three eyes above the forehead.

6. Bees are the only insect that humans eat the honey made by them.

amazing +20 Facts About Honey Bee

7. A honey bee has two stomachs, one for eating food and the other for collecting flower juice.

8. A bee has six legs and two wings.

9. The queen fly is given to eat a special type of substance called rayle jelly.

10. There are four types of changes in the life of a bee such as egg, larva, pupa and fly.

11. There are three types of flies in the bee hive, the most well known of these is the queen fly. This fly remains alive for only four to five years.

12. Around 20,000 species of flies are found all over the world, out of which only 4 species produce honey.

13. Their hive is made of wax which comes out from their stomach glands.

amazing +20 Facts About Honey Bee

14. The queen bee is not born but it is made.

15. To make one kg of honey, the entire honeycomb has to suck the juice of about 40 lakh flowers.

16. 1100 stings of a bee is enough to kill a man.

17. A hive has between 20 and 60 thousand female bees, a few hundred male bees and 1 queen bee.

18. The age of a queen bee can be up to 5 years. It is the only member of the hive that produces eggs. It becomes very busy in summer as the honeycomb population becomes maximum at this time. She has sex only once in life and collects so much sperm inside her that she lays eggs all her life. It can grow from 2000 eggs a day. Meaning, one every 45 seconds.

19. With 28 grams of honey, the bee gets so much power that it will rotate the whole earth.

20. Of all the animals on earth, the language of bees is the most difficult. In 1973, Karl von Frisch received the Nobel Prize for understanding their language "the waggle dance".

21. 2 queen bees cannot live in a hive, even if only for a short time, because when two queen bee meet each other, they prefer to attack each other instead of friendship and this continues till then Stays until one is killed.

22. Why Queen Bee is not born, why is it made?
Ans. Worker bees fertilize the existing queen's egg to produce 20 cells of wax, then the young nurse bees create cells inside the wax with the help of a special food called 'Royal Jelly' prepared from the queen's larvae. This process continues until the cells reach a length of 25mm, 9 days after the process of manufacture, these cells are completely covered with a layer of wax and later the queen bee is prepared.

23. What happens if the honeycomb queen bee dies?
Ans. The queen bee continues to extract a certain type of chemical 'pheromones', when it dies, the working bees stop smelling it. From which they come to know that the queen either died or left the hive. The death of queen bee can lead to destruction of the entire hive because if it dies then who will produce new eggs. After its death, the working bees have to make a new queen bee by building a cell within just 3 days.

24. What will happen if all the bees of the earth are destroyed?
Ans. If this happens then human life will also be slowly come to an end because bees have a huge hand in producing 90% of the food items on earth. Almonds, cashews, oranges, papayas, cotton, apples, coffee, cucumbers, brinjals, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, okra, peaches, snacks, peppers, strawberries, kinnu, walnuts, watermelons, etc. are pollinated by bees, while wheat, Flies and rice are pollinated by air. Due to their death, 70 crops out of 100 will be directly destroyed, even grass will not grow. The great scientist Albert Einstein also said that if the bees were eliminated from the earth, then the human species would be able to survive for at least 4 years.

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